Social media campaign against Pak army ... whose agenda?

پاک فوج کے جوان اس پاک دھرتی کی حفاظت کو یقینی بنائے ہوئے ہیں۔ (فوٹو: انٹرنیٹ)

This is the incident before the 2018 elections, there was talk of PTI party elections in the beloved homeland. In a private TV program, the host bombarded Shah Mehmood Qureshi with sharp questions regarding the mismanagement in the party elections. Shah Ji listened to the host patiently and then made the host unresponsive with his answer.

Shah Sahib said something like this. "You are right, but what you are saying has happened in six constituencies. We held party elections in a total of 36 constituencies. There was mismanagement in six constituencies on which we are taking disciplinary action. But you should also mention that the elections in our remaining 30 constituencies were clean and transparent, no mismanagement of any kind was seen, and so on and so forth.

It may be recalled that the sanctity of the ballot box was badly violated in some constituencies on the occasion of PTI's party elections.
This incident reminded me of the recent campaign on social media against the Pakistani forces. Some people sometimes try to spew poison against the entire institution on the basis of the Colonel / General's wife, the budget of the Armed Forces of Pakistan, a letter from an anonymous doctor or the personal misconduct of a single person associated with the security agencies. And as if trying to prove that the whole army or other institutions are wrong. And in doing so, they forget that the army is one of us.

The Armed Forces of Pakistan consists of our own father, brother, sons and daughters. These people are risking their lives to fight day and night against the internal and external enemies of this earth. And ensuring the safety of this sacred land.

Therefore, there is a need not to use foul language against the entire army or institution on the basis of the personal wrongdoing of an individual affiliated with the Armed Forces of Pakistan or other security agencies. And those who do so should not only be discouraged, but should try to correct them in good words by demonstrating their superior training. Remind them that this is just a personal move. That is, if we assume that the total number of Pakistani forces is 500,000 lakhs, then one person has done wrong, the remaining 499,000 people are right. Instead of confusing yourself if you do not come to the right path, such incidents should be brought to the notice of cyber crime related institutions.

And finally, the officials of the institutions are also requested to take notice of the incident of 'Colonel's Wife' and silence many roaring cannons, to ensure high moral values ​​in the people associated with such institutions and such Strict disciplinary action should be taken against a person for any minor immoral act to end the incidents


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