Smaller Rolls-Royce models are more expensive than larger cars.

رولس رائس کمپنی نے اپنی اصل کار سے آٹھ گنا چھوٹا ماڈل بنایا ہے لیکن اس کی قیمت ایک بڑی قیمتی کار جتنی ہی ہے۔ فوٹو: رولس رائس کمپنی

LONDON: Rolls-Royce is one of the most expensive cars in the world, but at the same company's urging, the model is eight times smaller than the original car and is priced at more than  27,000, or more than Rs 4 million.

It should be noted that this model has been made very beautifully and meticulously in which the small and big parts of the car have been specially prepared and it has been made to look exactly like the real Rolls-Royce. The original car is priced at 30 330,000 and the company has created this model for its fans.

The short model of Rolls-Royce is made by hand combining 1000 small and large individual parts and tools. It has been worked on by the original experts of Rolls-Royce Company and it takes 450 hours to make a model. It also has a very small turbocharged engine, and everything from speedometers to lights.

The design of the model replicates the original car model. The exterior design is impressive, but so is the sewing on the car seats. Available in various colors, the miniature Rolls-Royce is 26 cm long, 10 cm wide and 9 cm high. A special one meter long box has been made for this precious gift in which the model is neatly presented.
If you want to have a model of Rolls-Royce that you have, the same small model of your original car can be made to order.


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